The TYPO3 Security Team has become aware that a lot of TYPO3 extensions listed in TER use TYPO3 database API (class t3lib_db) in a wrong way. In detail, we often see a wrong order of escape and quote method calls for LIKE comparisons.
Some Background:
LIKE database queries allow to use wildcard characters (in MySQL "_" for one single character and "%" for none or multiple times of a character). When you construct LIKE queries, you normally decide where to put a wildcard. Then, this requires you to escape possible wildcard characters in user supplied input. TYPO3 database API provides dedicated methods for escaping and quoting (t3lib_db::escapeStrForLike(), t3lib_db::quoteStr() / t3lib_db::fullQuoteStr()).
The correct order of method calls is important. User input has to be quoted first and afterwards possibly existing wildcard characters escaped - not the other way around! A wrong order might cause wildcard characters not to be correctly escaped and data shown to a user which is not intented to be displayed!
Following is example code for the WHERE part of a database query:
So please check your code for the correct order of these method calls!
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