Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot "Looking at the life on this planet, sir, no sign of it. All I can see is a bunch of smoke flyin'. And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it."
Ever heard of dying frog software? Don't bother, they are already digging their own grave. How? They used negative PR, the #1 "don't do it or everyone thinks you're weak and soon going to perish" trick in the book of marketing communication.
So, cats and kittens remember this: whenever you are about to grab some air time in any kind of media for yourself, don't even think of mentioning the competition.
Did we make enough fun of Soremedia yet who made the same mistake? Another time another place and the story will be told.
As long as the commercially licencesed (aka the communicatively challenged) make mistakes on this level, us regular folks shouldn't have to waste a single minute in marketing efforts. Good to know there are some challengers out there.
keep on doing it right nerds,
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