October 2, 2013
Which are top 10 extensions you need on TYPO3 Neos to get started?
By: Olivier Dobberkau
Hrishikesh Lele asked lately on the linkedIn Neos Forum: "As TYPO3 Neos is coming closer to version 1.0 we need extensions which can support real world website needs. "
Here is my answer to it:
That is a really good question! I would suggest to look at the current top 10 in the TYPO3 CMS use case. I think that Mittwald Hosting did a survey on it some time ago. Google for it and you should find some.
Shooting out of my mind:
- news
- comments
- contact forms
- search
- newsletter
- socialmedia buttons
- user registration
- collection / basket functions
- calendar
- seminars / tracks / courses
- image displaying aka gallery
- maps / geo
- document creation / pdf / print
- file / asset management
- download
- small shop / commerce
- api management / opendata
- payment gateways / paywalls
- semantic annotations / micro formats
- performance / webanalytics
What do you think? What are your top required NEOS Extensions?
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