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October 2, 2013

Which are top 10 extensions you need on TYPO3 Neos to get started?

Category: TYPO3

By: Olivier Dobberkau

Hrishikesh Lele asked lately on the linkedIn Neos Forum: "As TYPO3 Neos is coming closer to version 1.0 we need extensions which can support real world website needs. "
Here is my answer to it:

That is a really good question! I would suggest to look at the current top 10 in the TYPO3 CMS use case. I think that Mittwald Hosting did a survey on it some time ago. Google for it and you should find some.

Shooting out of my mind:

  • news
  • comments
  • contact forms
  • search
  • newsletter
  • socialmedia buttons
  • user registration
  • collection / basket functions
  • calendar
  • seminars / tracks / courses
  • image displaying aka gallery
  • maps / geo
  • document creation / pdf / print
  • file / asset management
  • download
  • small shop / commerce
  • api management / opendata
  • payment gateways / paywalls
  • semantic annotations / micro formats
  • performance / webanalytics

What do you think? What are your top required NEOS Extensions?


comment #1
Gravatar: Dominique Feyer Dominique Feyer October 2, 2013 12:38
For search, we work on ElasticSearch implementation:

Any help, suggestions, beers, sponsors, ... or whatever else are welcome

comment #2
Gravatar: Søren Malling Søren Malling October 2, 2013 12:48
I would like to think more in terms of "task solvers" than actual "extension".

In many cases we seems to create several extension for almost identical issues. User registration is not much different from submitting a event, sending a mail etc.

So instead of separate user registration, news submission and contact forms extension i would aim for a extension/package similar to the FormBuilder Example [1] with a nice user interface for generating forms to different purposes

Sayig A, i must say B: What about these different types of objects you can submit through a form like the one above. I will say a extension making it possible for me to create entities with different properties (relation, strings etc) would make great sense. Easy for me as a editor to create a new entity, and maybe even create a form that can submit to this specific entity.

All of a sudden a forum, issue tracker etc. is not far away - and that brings us back to thinking in Solutions instead of Features.

I hope that these thought can start some other peoples mind and see other cases where we should start thinking bigger


comment #3
Gravatar: Wolfgang Wagner Wolfgang Wagner October 2, 2013 13:09
* news
* comments
* social media buttons like social_share_privacy
* realurl
* an image gallery like yag
* search
* something like tq_seo (for canonical tag, XML-Sitemap...)
* event calendar

comment #4
Gravatar: Thomas Brown Thomas Brown October 2, 2013 15:49
Event Calendar
Gallery ala YAG

comment #5
Gravatar: Dominique Feyer Dominique Feyer October 2, 2013 22:23
And a lots of those "extension" doesn't require a plugin or a package in Neos ... you can implement them with TS2 only, or simple NodeType ... per ex. the comments extension can be really simple.

But this list is a good starting point to focus on required snippet, and helper in the Neos ecosystem

comment #6
Gravatar: Dominique Feyer Dominique Feyer October 3, 2013 00:06
As an exemple I just publish

A really small package with no PHP, only one YAML file to configure the node, one TypoScript2 and one Fluid template to add the Twitter Share button. Feel free to fork it and implement the missing button, your are welcome.

Here's a screenshot of the Inpector interface to configure the button

comment #7
Gravatar: Fedir Fedir October 4, 2013 12:27
Could we have Fedext extensions support on TYPO3 Neos ?

I liked a lot the simplicity and lightness it brought to the creation of custom flexforms and pages templates.


comment #8
Gravatar: Fedir Fedir October 4, 2013 14:46
I think, it should be easy to implement, as the concept is the same.

So we could pass one day all our sites directly from Fedext to Neos.


comment #9
Gravatar: Olivier Dobberkau Olivier Dobberkau October 4, 2013 16:27
Hi Søren. You are right. Neos will offer a wider solutions base. My idea behind this blog post was to initiate a thinking on areas of activity for a bundled distribution of neos (thus shamefully stealing Hrishikesh idea) aiming to solve typical problems of customes. As CMS will be offering this distribution idea it would great to see here some synergy happening. Best greetings, Olivier.

comment #10
Gravatar: Hrishikesh Lele Hrishikesh Lele October 6, 2013 16:16
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for taking initiative on this topic. Almost half of the packages listed above should be just node types. So I think we should pick one each and develop them. Couple of them are already under Lelesys github account.

So where do we put them all together?


comment #11
Gravatar: Dominique Feyer Dominique Feyer October 7, 2013 11:04
@Fedir no need of Fedext at all, the core of Neos is more flexible.

@Wolfgang RealURL, really ? ... try Neos before asking for unneeded feature ;) Nice URL is a build in feature.

We need a nice snippets or cookbooks sharing tool (check the doc of Neos with some nice cookbooks build last week).

Neos is a lot more about configuration than coding for basic extension. I work on adding more features for the the current MenuImplementation and adding a new ListImplement. With those feature all plugin related to listing nodes, will be just TypoScript and no PHP.

comment #12
Gravatar: Hrishikesh Lee Hrishikesh Lee October 9, 2013 01:02
@Dominique - "With those feature all plugin related to listing nodes, will be just TypoScript and no PHP. "


comment #13
Gravatar: Michael Edwards Michael Edwards October 11, 2013 11:09
However it depends on the application of my website, but its my opinion:
performance / webanalytics
contact forms
user registration
socialmedia buttons

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