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April 3, 2007

ToDo-list 2007/2008

Category: TYPO3, Daniel Hinderink Daniel Hinderink

By: Daniel Hinderink

Make note to brain.

"Drive with hindsight"
was Herberts golden rule.

In 2007 the TYPO3 community needs to:

- get 5.0 out in time

- get up to speed with the best open source hubs

- get as much value out of the 4.x architecture as possible

- get all the redundant and outdated information identified and deleted from the documentation

- get new documentation

- get rid of useless extensions, aka. "TER-spam"

- get the TYPO3 association to focus on what's needed to foster the project beyond 2007.


in 2008 TYPO3 community needs to:

- handle two extension development branches

- consolidate and transfer functionality from the old branch (4.x) to the new (5.0)

- succesfully sell TYPO3 5.0 redefining the sales pitch and entering new markets

- provide a migration path for handling the bulk of the update effort


While staying true to the brand platform and the CD in the process.


... and then some, just in case you were wondering what's next.


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