0 lines of code is what I have contributed to the TYPO3 project. So here I am trying to share with you some of the thoughts, marvels and downright idiocies from a perspective that is decidedly that of a non-coder.
I apologize for any offense, inconvenience, heartbreak, headaches, snowboard accidents, vague unfocused angst, aberrations in musical taste, unexpected drops in barometric pressure, doubts about yourself or your co-workers, hand sores, sexual dysfunction, unwanted celebrity, or distant howling on the very edge of your range of hearing that this may cause.
In a previous post of 2006, I wrote about the need to make the client understand the logic of what the information system you are building is about. This time I give some suggestions on how it's done.
Suffering from mistaken goodwill is the fate of the open source believer - tales from the throne of agony
Why large organisations are doing a bad job so often. And how to survive external project management while servicing them.
next years snowboard tour will be open for registration shortly. A few things will be different about it, which I'll try to point out here.
What's so special about Kasper - thank you's and observations from a heavily biased source.