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BUZZ: TYPO3 community blogs

March 11, 2007 Install Tool 2.0: Help needed

You might have seen first designs for a revisited install tool made by Thomas Hempel! He has started a basic implementation already, and he is seeking for some helping hands wanting to contribute code to the project.

By:Sebastian Kurfuerst

March 6, 2007 T3ONE - Socialnetwork for TYPO3

With some guys we had the Idea that TYPO3 needed a socialnetwork. tries to communicate offerings and needs around TYPO3 projects and topics. Currently it is beta and running on some virtualserver. We hope to merge...

Category: TYPO3, Technology, Olivier Dobberkau

February 28, 2007 Earthquakes and Macs

I just stumbled upon a real nice Mac Application today: Seismac: This App registers and display the sudden motion sensors of your mac. At the Office the house besides us is being...

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Humour, Technology

February 28, 2007 Getting Rid of Extra Markup in TYPO3

How to modify or eliminate extra CSS and HTML markup in TYPO3

Category: Ron Hall
By:Ron Hall

February 25, 2007 2nd TYPO3 Akademie in Munich

The 2nd TYPO3 Akademie in Munich took place this weekend. The German TYPO3 Agency Target-e invited for a gathering with Presentations and Talks. The two Days were very insighfull. - Jens-Christian Jensen from Exozet presented...

Category: TYPO3, Technology, Olivier Dobberkau

February 21, 2007 Promote Your TYPO3 Work Through HTML Source Code

How to put your personal stamp on every TYPO3 site you make.

Category: Ron Hall
By:Ron Hall

February 17, 2007 Date for Developer Days revealed...

The 2nd International TYPO3 Developer Days will take part on April 26-29, 2007 in Dietikon, Switzerland. Find more about it here: Register until 31st of March for an Early Bird Discount. I...

Displaying results 337 to 343 out of 404