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March 11, 2007

Install Tool 2.0: Help needed

By: Sebastian Kurfuerst

You might have seen first designs for a revisited install tool made by Thomas Hempel! He has started a basic implementation already, and he is seeking for some helping hands wanting to contribute code to the project.

Currently, the Controller part of the MVC pattern and the basic directory structure is ready. The next steps will be the further design and finalization of the rendering library (the view), and afterwards, the current checks need to be re-implemented in the new architecture.

Currently, Thomas is seeking for people to discuss and develop concepts and code for the install tool.

If you want to help him, write him a short email! We count on you to help him out.



PS: TYPO3 rulez


comment #1
Gravatar: polarizer polarizer March 16, 2007 09:01
First Screenshot does pretty much look like the install tool of joomla. Don't misunderstand me - i like the installation procedure of Joomla.

polarizers 2 cent

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