The TYPO3 Security Team introduced a new structure and a new naming scheme for security bulletins.
Do you want to make some statistic etc. before letting a user download a file. You can use a standard Extbase action to fullfill your needs :)
It's been around since TYPO3 4.4 and makes it easier and safer to display content with Typoscript: markers.
A lightweight alternative to phpMyAdmin
Many extensions requires you to select some sort of record. Mostly this is done, by finding the correct uid and then enter it into a field.. This can be done a lot more "beautiful"!
I am on a flight from San Francisco to Chicago to attend the CMS Expo where Benni Mack, Seth Conley and I will be representing TYPO3. We will be presenting two introductions to TYPO3: an introduction section, and TYPO3 in the...
<Disclosure>: This is a personal message. Being on does not mean that I am officially endorsed by the TYPO3 Association. Candidates were given the possibilty to give URLs to introduce themselves. I thought...