Starting today you can register for T3CON09 in Frankfurt .... and at the same time we do have a look at what the new reorganized and redesigned and .com could look and feel like in future! And there are many features to be discovered:
And many, many more. There have been invested huge efforts in building up all this and that really deserves a tt_clap for you guys @ dkd!
AND NOW: Please spread the word for T3CON09 in Frankfurt using the banners and twitter it, blog it, spam it ;-), do whatever you think is good to push the ticket sale!
If you have some issues, proposals and ideas or even want to spend applause ;-) for the T3CON09 website and the new look and feel - add a comment to this post here.
Hope you love it as much as I do!
UPDATE: Please contact the hotel directly at +49 (0)69 68020 to get a room and mention the keyword TYPO3. You get a reduced rate!! If you take the central reservation hotline they will tell you the hotel is already fully booked.