I would like to announce that Oliver Hader will take over the leadership of the TYPO3 v4 core team, starting from 1. February 2010.
That change was actually decided by the core team already during the 2009 developer days, but was scheduled to be done after TYPO3 4.3 was released and a holiday period had passed for him to relax after the release.
The job of the core team leader consists of the organization of core team meetings, leading the decision making processes in the team, as well as the external communication of core team affairs and coordination with the release managers regarding the next TYPO3 versions.
Michael Stucki and me will become co-leaders to substitute Olly in times of unavailability. Furthermore, Michael, who used to be the core team leader during the last years, will become what we call "code responsible", i.e. be responsible for quality assurance such as post-commit reviews, and I will remain responsible for the T3A / core team coordination.
The other roles in the core team remain as they were, with Benjamin Mack being the release manager for TYPO3 version 4.4, and thereby being responsible for defining that version's feature set and goals, ensuring the quality of that release, as well as doing other tasks associated with that release; and Francois Suter being the core documentation manager, working on getting the documents up to date with all changes from release to release.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Michael for the enormous amounts of time and energy he has devoted to the core team leadership over the last years, it was a pleasure working together with him. I'm glad he stays "on board" of the core team, and is just switching to a different position.
Also, I wish Olly good luck with the new job, and thanks for taking it on!
Go Olly !