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May 22, 2013

Howto: use the Fluid Standalone view to render template based emails

Category: Extbase

By: Anja Leichsenring

Do you know you can use Fluid Standalone View to provide Emails from within your Controller Actions? Here is how:


When I was a child, I liked tho climb up the ladder into my grandmothers attic and look in all those old dusty boxes full of wonder and exitement. Sometimes I found something looking interesting, and my grandmother told me the story about it. There was all kind of nonsense only a child can find some sense in. But from time to time I found real treasures, little gems both loaded with memories and actual use.

I still like to rummage in long forgotten storages, even if it is nowadays mostly digital. Look what I came across in the basement of the mvc wiki, written by Bastian Waidelich 2011, there since Extbase 1.3 and still very useful.

How to use the Fluid Standalone view to render template based emails 

I added the code for Extbase 6.x in the bottom, but the functionality is still valid. I hope it helps in your next project, when you have to send out Emails.


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