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July 2, 2012

The Quality Assurance Team says "Hello world"

Category: Quality Assurance

By: The Quality Assurance Team

Quality Assurance gains more and more attraction in the software industry.
More and more projects are focused on source code quality and also TYPO3 has focused on this topic for quite some time. Time to say "Hello world!" and introduce the team, our goals and what we archieved so far.

What does it mean "quality" in PHP projects?
There are many different opinions out there, but in general all people talk about Unit Tests, Functional Tests, Coding Guidelines, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Design Patterns, Separation of concerns and other related topics.

TYPO3 is a project which is describable as "historically grown". It was developed over many years, old source code files are part of this project, there is a large codebase uncovered by many tests, and so on. But in the last time, many community member are focused on quality in TYPO3. They write Unit Tests, create patches for coding guideline conform source code, care about good code design, etc. And this is just awesome. Thanks for this!

Since some time, a few people are working on useful tools who make the work on quality in context of TYPO3 easier. For examples, Christian Trabold is working on the Continuous Integration server Jenkins and the metrics server Sonar or Andy Grunwald and Stefano Kowalke are creating rules for tools like PHP_CodeSniffer to check against the TYPO3 Coding Guidelines. And of course some contributer are part of this work, too! This people are formed to an own team. The "Quality Assurance Team". With this first article, we say "Hello world" to you, the TYPO3 Community.

In this team, we try to increase a higher (technical) quality for TYPO3 and create a true "Continuous Integration" environment and ecosystem for TYPO3.
Our main goal is to improve the overall quality of TYPO3 core! This goal is splitted in many subgoals.
Some of this subgoals are ...

  • run TYPO3 on TravisCI
  • Gerrit-Patch-Support for Travis-CI
  • make all UnitTests green (permanent!)
  • further development of PHP_CodeSniffer sniffs for TYPO3 and FLOW3 coding guidelines
  • and many more

The whole topic is is gathering more and more speed. So have a look at it! In this Buzz-blog we try to collect information, status changes, development highlights and of course documentation about these projects. We like to share our knowledge to you. With this you as a contributer can make use of this techniques.

And of course if you want to contribute to all this stuff just drop us a message or help to fix bugs in our forge projects :) (Quality Assurance Team,, PHP_CodeSniffer)

Cu soon!
The Quality Assurance Team


comment #1
Gravatar: Andy Grunwald Andy Grunwald July 3, 2012 10:54
This is just a test comment.
Does it work?
Please ignore it.

comment #2
Gravatar: Marvin Marvin July 3, 2012 20:47
Thank you guys for the great work!

comment #3
Gravatar: Ralf (t3quetsche) Merz Ralf (t3quetsche) Merz July 4, 2012 09:28
Hey guys, thank you very much for this great work! That all sounds really good. I´ll help to spread the word so that all TYPO3 development around the world becomes even better! :)


comment #4
Gravatar: Sacha Sacha July 5, 2012 11:41
Great approach, great effort, cool! Thanks!

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