I'm looking at 100's of TYPO3 CI applications here in Berlin and I just have to say Thank you thank you thank you!
Lately I have played a bit with the eID feature of TYPO3, which is very neat when you want to do something with AJAX. I found another way of using the eId in combination with TYPO3's graphics library
Today I was helping a company finish up a TYPO3 installation. They were using somewhat long descriptive page titles and then using shorter titles for the navigation. Since the page titles are used as labels in the TYPO3 back end...
Have a thought for those who are about to spend the night in a freezing container for the greater glory of TYPO3!
TYPO3 is part of the three open source projects selected to take part in the Hackcontest. Another project is an Adobe Illustrator clone and the last one is a game...
You will love this easy to use application for recording user testing sessions.
The other day I was using SWFObject to place a Flash movie on a page. After entering the code it looked good in all browsers. All except IE6. Now for a short pause while we all act stunned and surprised. When accessing the...