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BUZZ: TYPO3 community blogs

January 28, 2013 Extbase Codesprint in Duisburg

Publicly announcing the TYPO3 Extbase Codesprint in Duisburg / Germany from February 8 - 10.

Category: Extbase

January 13, 2013 Five thoughts on a future-proof CMS

I posted *) five thoughts on content management systems: A future-proof CMS will be recognized by its content repository, easy editing, high integration, extendibility & standard comformity.It will run on distributed...

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Technology, TYPO3

January 9, 2013 How often do you use Agile (SCRUM or Kanban) in your TYPO3 projects?

Several days ago I posted an article "The truth about TYPO3 and Agile". After that post I had a positive feedback from a lot of TYPO3 people. I see that TYPO3 community is really interested in Agile...

Category: Agile

January 4, 2013 The truth about TYPO3 and Agile

During the last two years I participated T3CON the TYPO3 conference in Gemany two times. It was really great events. I met great people inspired by the TYPO3 project and TYPO3 community. I talked to many people and I was...

Category: Agile

December 12, 2012 Gerrit Code Review has been updated

During the Code Sprint in Wiesbaden last weekend, the Gerrit installation at has been upgraded.

Category: Server Admin Team

December 4, 2012 Information about the recent issues

During the last two weeks we had some severe troubles operating the website. While we think that they have been fixed completely now, we'd like to give you a short insight on what happened.

Category: Server Admin Team

November 22, 2012 TYPO3 at Universities

During the last two days, I had the opportunity to participate in a meeting of a special type of TYPO3 users: German universities.

Category: Steffen Gebert

Displaying results 50 to 56 out of 404