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March 18, 2007

Travel broadens the Mind

Kasper visits Cebit 2007. Karsten, Gina and Thomas are happy too.

I have been travelling a little bit in the last weeks. I have been to the TYPO3 General Assembly, where I met a lot of people. We met after the official part at a smal restaurant and had some "stinky water" whilst interchanging rants and raves. One thing that is great with TYPO3, you met a lot of inspiring people, that are open and willing to share their point of view. I met Mark Stevenson from the WEC Project and his familly travelling with him. Talking with him made me wanting to travel to the US again.

Yesterday I came back from Cebit 2007. We had a Booth with the TYPO3partner Network. The Idea to this was born on the Snowboard Tour in Splügen. I met Kasper and the others on Friday night and this was really fun. I wish we all could see each other more.


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