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July 10, 2007 Install-Tool 2.0 surevy results available

After starting a survey about the new Install-Tool 2.0 at the beginning of June, the results are now available.

Category: Thomas Hempel

May 13, 2007 TypoScript editor with Syntax-highlighting

a few days ago, Tobias Liebig and I started to work on a fully integrated TypoScript-Editor with syntax-highlighting.

Category: Thomas Hempel

May 8, 2007 I live TYPO3

To be honest I was bit demotivated by the descision of Kasper. At least for some hours but then I talked to some people who really helped me with the right words. Thanks to Gina and Peter for that! But I thought a lot of my role...

Category: Thomas Hempel

December 27, 2006 DevBlog: Install Tool 2.0 #2

Not too much has happend since the last report from the Installer Development front. Anyway, I want to talk a little bit about the last changes.

Category: Thomas Hempel

November 21, 2006 DynaFlex podcast

I finally managed to record a screencast of DynaFlex to show what is possible with it.

Category: Thomas Hempel

November 12, 2006 T3CON06 DVDs are finally in the pipeline

this weekend I finally managed to finish all the authoring stuff for the T3CON06 DVD-box-set. ;-)

Category: Thomas Hempel

November 12, 2006 Core-team hello

Hi, what a great news last weekend when our swiss friends where here in Hamburg. Stucki invited me to the core team to be an official developer of TYPO3. :-D I'm really proud to be part of the team and I'm very curious about my...

Category: Thomas Hempel

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