The TYPO3 4.x Coding Guidelines were updated with observations made during the development of version 4.4.
Not only does the Reports module display useful information, it can also be easily extended with custom reports.
TYPO3 4.3 is rich with new features. A lot of them didn't get the attention they deserved, in particular the very useful system registry.
The TYPO3 Security Team intends to use CVSS for TYPO3 Core Security Bulletins in future. Learn what CVSS is all about and how you benefit from it!
Branding guidelines, newsletter, moving of mail server, inactive T3A members, TYPO3 relaunch, new board positions, new T3A structure, BCC, honorary president, upcoming
Things are definitely on the move for documentation these days. Here's a summary of what has been happening.
The TYPO3 Security Team has decided to not use preannouncements in general. This is an explanation why we stick to the current procedure.