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January 26, 2011 TYPO3 4.5 LTS: Extbase/Fluid features and improvements

With TYPO3 4.5 LTS, a new version of Extbase and Fluid is shipped, which contains several major features like Dependency Injection and Fluid Widgets. This article gives an overview about the improvements in Extbase and Fluid,...

Category: Core, TYPO3

January 24, 2011 TYPO3 4.5 LTS: Prepared queries are the way to go!

Prepared queries are now part of the TYPO3 database API. The API is mostly based on PDO's method naming and currently supports SELECT queries. Read on to learn how to take advantage of this enhanced API for your own extensions.

Category: Core, Xavier Perseguers
By:Xavier Perseguers

January 24, 2011 Getting ready for 4.5: changes in CSH for FlexForms

If you have designed an extension which uses FlexForms and have added CSH to that form, you need to make a tiny change for TYPO3 4.5. Read on.

Category: Core
By:François Suter

October 15, 2010 Half time in the Code Sprint in Stuttgart

Steffen Kamper, Tolleiv, Susanne, Steffen Ritter and Benni

Second day at the code sprint in Stuttgart. Huge success, and the fastest RFC ever commited!

Category: Core

October 14, 2010 Code Sprint for 4.5, Day 1

Gimme 4.5!

Our first day on the Code Sprint was a big success.

Category: Core

September 22, 2010 Backend-Navigation in TYPO3 4.5

Since alpha2 there is a new backend navigation. The frameset was removed completely and the way the iframes are addressed has been changed. Sure, the old calls still works as there is a compatibility layer, but you should use...

Category: Steffen Kamper, TYPO3, Core

September 3, 2010 TYPO3 goes UTF-8

With version 4.5 TYPO3 switch completely to UTF8. As a first step, all files are UTF8-encoded now (in trunk). There was a mixup of encodings before, and we want to have one encoding for all files. Be sure to prepare your IDE for...

Category: Steffen Kamper, TYPO3, Core

Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 42