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September 5, 2007

A castle without doors and bells

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Personal

What a night mare.

Last night I dreamt that i was living nearby a wonderfull castle. From far it throned upon a Hill and everyone wandering along said: "Look what a nice castle. Who lives there? How long does this castle exist?"

Nobody could tell. They knew it has been there before all of their life.

One day someone had the idea to visit this nice castle.

But no road led up the hill. He did not resign. He climbed the rocks and jumped over the river. Finally arived he stood in front of this great building. Wandering around he looked for a door. He looked for a drawbridge. There was none. He wondered. Where are the doors? Where can I get in?

Disapointed he climbed down the hill and moved on.

Whilst meeting someone who asked him: "How was that marvelous castle?" he answered: "It was great to get there, but I did not find a door bell".

All of a sudden I woke up and was happy that this was only a dream.


comment #1
Gravatar: Charles Coleman Charles Coleman September 19, 2007 07:30
Truly inspiring.

comment #2
Gravatar: -julle -julle September 24, 2007 10:29
Somehow it seems to me you trying to say something between the lines here, but I don't get it.

So did you really just want to share your dream, or what's the hidden agenda here?

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