Besides the part-time work for a local Austrian pool hall chain (Homepage, in-house programming, infrastructure plans, etc.) and part-time teaching at a local school (Web technologies and project management) I work as a freelancer to keep me occupied.
I've been around since Typo3 3.X - writing buzz articles about my experiences with Neos was recommended by members of the famous and friendly #typo3 channel on freenode.
As soon as my progress with Neos allows it, you can find my new virtual home at:
The Top 10 reasons why you missed out on something (in no particular order)
Although one could have speculated on whether or not it would eventually happen - the news hit like a truck: "TYPO3 project focuses on TYPO3 CMS, Neos to start its own community". The T3A started an ambitious attempt...
Inspiring Conference 2015
Choosing which elements editors are able to add with constraints
First version of a bootstrap package released
Getting more out of your IDE for Neos Development
Offering customers alternative layouts