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May 24, 2008

Microsoft Opensource and TYPO3

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Technology, TYPO3

(c) Olivier Dobberkau

Just stumbled over a Post of Joel Penner in the TYPO3 Mailinglist. He is working on getting TYPO3 better working MSSQL.


I think this is great news! Not that i am a Microsoft Fanboy, but this seems to tell me, that Redmond has recognized that TYPO3 is a great CMS and that MS Clients should be able to use this with the Database MSSQL.

(I have corrected the mispelling of Redmond. More Info about this nice City and hopefully a Website running TYPO3 too soon!)


I hope that our TYPO3 Community will welcome this Initiave and  I am quite looking forward the outcome of this work.

See the Post and feel free to help out: Mailing List.

Find more about Port25 here.


comment #1
Gravatar: Risotto Risotto May 25, 2008 14:35
It's spelled "RedmonD". Seems like a lot of german speaking people get this wrong. I even see this spelling in papers and the like...

comment #2
Gravatar: Oliver Leitner Oliver Leitner May 26, 2008 09:26
That are indeed good news for the windows community, so even companies that dont know the shell, and dont trust in os will be able to run Typo3 nearly natively (i dont guess youre planning to do a version of typo3 soon...).

comment #3
Gravatar: Joris Willems Joris Willems May 26, 2008 10:16
I think we still need to mention the downsides of using Typo3 with Windows.
There is no reason to encourage TYPO3 on Windows except for MS shops that not yet have any other systems available.
IIS is an inferior webserver that misses features which can only bought as third party component (rewriting eg).
Let's not forget that Microsoft is against our spirit of open source and open standards. It is just working on there bottomline: they just need us to keep there business running in the long term.

comment #4
Gravatar: RL RL May 26, 2008 13:14
Great CMS, great news!

comment #5
Gravatar: John John May 27, 2008 01:02
"There is no reason to encourage TYPO3 on Windows except for MS shops that not yet have any other systems available."

This happens all the time to me. And the biggest sticking point is usually MSSQL, not PHP or even Apache. There are plenty of places that have multiple existing .NET systems and just don't want to deal with an additional database. I'd rather give them typo3 for their CMS than take a stand and walk away from the business. Right now we usually have to look at using a less rich CMS like Umbraco.

comment #6
Gravatar: Oliver Leitner Oliver Leitner May 30, 2008 16:51
Hmm, is it me, or would it make sense to include the askimet extension and some captcha on this comments system?

comment #7
Gravatar: Olivier Olivier May 31, 2008 20:27
hmm. it seems that the extension doing this is not working correctly. will talk to the guys in charge...

comment #8
Gravatar: Patrasch Patrasch June 19, 2008 00:41
Great CMS, great news!
Is the extension working now?

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