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April 17, 2008

Channel Two on TYPO3 TV

Category: Robert Lemke, Technology

By: Robert Lemke

You love the TYPO3 podcasts? You're curious about FLOW3 and TYPO3 5.0? Then subscribe to Channel Two on TYPO3 TV - Robert's Podcast.

During the last snowboard tour in Laax I recorded two evening sessions, so those who could not attend T3BOARD (or those who preferred lying on the sheepskin rugs at the fireplace) can watch them at home. I turned them into podcasts and take this opportunity to start a second TYPO3 podcast feed which will focus on TYPO3 5.0, FLOW3 and depict the TYPO3 community from my part of the universe.

Today's podcast is about a spontaneous session introducing and demonstrating some basic concepts of FLOW3. In fact it's rather a tour-de-code with explanations than a structured tutorial, but I hope to create some shorter tutorials as well in the near future.

Please let me know what you think about these new podcasts and what topics you are interested in. If I find enough Sponsors, I'll happily produce a lot more videos in the future.


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