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October 27, 2007

Dealing with the Leopard Menu Bar

Category: Ron Hall

By: Ron Hall

Got Leopard installed this morning and one thing I hate. The translucent menu bar at the top. Not an improvement IMHO.

There is at least one hack out there but didn't want to go that route. I hope sometime in the future Apple will give us a way to choose how we want it.

To get around it, I grabbed a photograph, made it exactly the pixel dimensions of my screen, filled the top 21 pixels with white and then applied it as a desktop background. Voila! Retro Leopard.

Got to go. Need to send an e-mail to Jobs.


comment #1
Gravatar: Olivier Olivier October 27, 2007 19:57
Hi Ron.

I thought that also on the first...
i had problems with ical and tasks not appearing. my gpgmai does not work. minor but annoying.

comment #2
Gravatar: Daniel Daniel October 31, 2007 12:23
Hi Ron,

I really enjoy a lot of Leopard, but agree with you on the transparency of the menu bar. Strange decision anyway, since they finally made all other system windows look the same (note the change in active and non-active windows - neat!).
Anyway, the new finder is a big plus and the Safari->dashboard integration is a blast for all web-based news that are not on RSS.

Love it!



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