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June 3, 2009

Find TypoScript Properties Quickly

Category: Ron Hall

I often find myself needing to look up the properties of a particular  
TypoScript object. Of course, I search through TSref and when I need the  
details of the object it is great. But if all I need is to be  
reminded of the properties available and their spelling then searching  
and scrolling through TSref is a bit of a pain and slows me down.

I posted this on the TYPO3 English list the other day. I explained that I was thinking of making an outline of TypoScript objects and their properties to use as a cheat sheet but wondered if anyone had anything like that already.

Among the responses was from Martin Holtz who directed me to a solution he has put together using OpenSearch within the TSref section of the TYPO3 Wiki. It is very nice and just what I wanted.

After adding it to your browser, simply select "TYPO3 Search" just like you would Google or Yahoo. Next enter the object or function you are looking for. For instance, type in "stdWrap" and you will get the page for that function with a list of all its properties. Search for "image" and you get the same for the IMAGE object. Much faster the searching and scrolling through a PDF of TSref.

You can find out more about this and how to install it at

Thanks, Martin for sharing.


comment #1
Gravatar: Patrick Patrick June 3, 2009 04:16
AWESOME trick !

Installed and worked instantly.

Thanks Ron and Martin. This should go on homepage news !

Patrick Gaumond

comment #2
Gravatar: Andreas Andreas June 3, 2009 11:58
Not that comfortable but if your're using Firefox you can add custom searches by keyword. Just do a search on the page you want to add a quick search for (example for the TER)[view]=search&no_cache=1&tx_terfe_pi1[sword]=php[..] a bookmark and edit the bookmark. You can now add a keyword string (for example t3e) and replace the searchterm (in this case phpmyadmin) by %s

Now you can simply type 't3e phpmyadmin' in the url field and firefox will do the rest

comment #3
Gravatar: Darko Darko June 3, 2009 13:41

comment #4
Gravatar: Pim Broens Pim Broens June 4, 2009 09:40
This is a great trick for finding things fast. I love it!
thanks a lot

comment #5
Gravatar: Fabien Udriot Fabien Udriot June 8, 2009 21:07
An other trick when dealing with many search engines in Firefox.
For example, I have added the keyword "ts" to this search engine. Now I can type "ts stdWrap" in my URL bar and get the right information wright away.

comment #6
Gravatar: Martin Holtz Martin Holtz June 11, 2009 21:10
Hi Ron,

so, as it looks like i am not the only one anymore, i tried to improve the whole thing a little bit.

I now took the tsref.xml from tseditor and analyse that. So you get a lot more suggestions now:)
Have a look at the screenshot at or just type in.

And i now redirect to if the keyword is found there.

So i did some modifications, if you get errors, please send me an mail. typo3 at


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