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February 5, 2007

New English TypoScript Book by Packt Publishing

Category: Ron Hall

By: Ron Hall

Last month I heard about a new TYPO3 book in English from Packt Publishing called "Mastering Typoscript" by Daniel Koch. I quickly ordered a copy and have read through about 2/3 of it so far. It is worth the investment and is particularly helpful when the reader is needing to try some areas of TypoScript new to him/her. Personally, I have been able to get a handle on "optionSplit" from the book's description of it. I don't have an immediate use for optionSplit yet, but, when I do, look out.

Some of the subjects covered in the book

  • Detailed information on the building of menus (text, graphical, JavaScript)
  • Working with GIFBUILDER
  • Building extensions
  • Explanation of various templating approaches

There is no way that one book can teach you everything you need to know about TypoScript. But at 400 pages, this book will give you a lot to  work with.

This is the second TYPO3 book from Packt Publishing that has been translated into English from a previous German work. The other english book is called "TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management." It is also worth purchasing, but unfortunately is somewhat dated as its information about TYPO3 is pre-version 4.


comment #1
Gravatar: Martin Fox Martin Fox February 26, 2007 11:44
Wish I had known this before I bought the German version and struggled through it....
thanks for the info Ron.
PS I agree, yes it is quite a good treatment of TS areas.

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