Well, today is my first day of being in full-time web development with my company, Busy Noggin, Inc.
For the last 17 years I have served Irving Bible Church (IBC) as communications director with a season of additional responsibilities in financial oversight and information technologies. The folks I worked with are fantastic and great friends. We have seen the church grow from 250 people attending each Sunday to now over 4,000 and have seen thousands served and helped through the years. My family will continue to worship at IBC and voluntarily serve there.
However, even though I had a great situation, over the last year, I felt the desire for a change. Basically, I sensed I had done all I was to do as a staff member and personally wanted to concentrate on a single professional discipline. I knew my new direction would involve something in the creative fields and I considered advertising, print design, and photography as well as web development. In all of these I had previous experience and ability, but I pretty quickly settled on web design and development as my area of concentration.
Of course, by focusing on web development I was basically sentencing myself to graduate school for life. There is always so much to learn and it is always changing! But that is OK. I like to learn, can pick up things quickly and already have a decent base of knowledge. Plus, I realize that I dont have to be an expert on everything (at least not immediately).
One nice thing about the change is that I should be able to get on a regular schedule of posting on this blog which I enjoy. Hopefully you will hear from me often on code and design.
Looking forward to the interaction,
P.S. Because of time constraints, I have not been able do any business development or commit to any significant projects before leaving IBC. Therefore, I originally thought much of January and February would be devoted to working on my company site and beating the bushes" for business. However, even though Im not totally booked up yet, a couple of projects have already come my way so looks like I will get off to a good start.