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July 20, 2009

Resize Browser Windows to Specific Size with One Click and More

Category: Ron Hall

Very simple technique for one-click resizing of a browser window to a specific size.

This is one of those "non-TYPO3 specific, but handy for developer" kind of posts.

I bounce back and forth between Firefox and Safari alot. One of the things I like about the Firefox web developer toolbar is the ability to set custom window sizes for the browser.

Well, I found out you can easily do the same with Safari (and other browsers). Basically, you set up a bookmark in your bookmarks bar and instead of entering an address for your bookmark, you enter JavaScript.

If you consistently need a window size of 1100x1600 for one monitor and 1100x900 for another, then you can set up a bookmark for each.

Since you can set position as well as size, you can set up bookmarks that will size and position windows side by side in a monitor. 

You can find out how to do it here. The link says it is for Safari but it can also be done in Firefox (and probably other browsers as well). And read the comment from the guy who figured out you could access the bookmark with a keyboard command (command-1, command-2, etc.)

Now for the more part.

The newest version of QuickKeys for Mac (version 4) has taken window resizing and positioning to a whole new level. It will allow you to assign shortcuts to resize and position the windows of ANY application. This is only a fraction of what this powerful macro program does. I have been using it for the better part of a decade and highly recommend it.

I just set up QuickKeys macros today for window resizing and this is what I did. For each application I set up a macro for for each of the window sizing and positioning I wanted. I named them "Window 1", "Window 2", "Window 3",  etc. (clever, yes?)

For each application I used the same keyboard shortcut for each window position (e.g. "Window 1" is always "control-F1" and "Window 2" is always "Control-F2").

Even though the shortcut triggers are the same the window sizes and positions need not be the same between apps. For instance, "Window 1" may be 500x600 pixels in my text editor but 800x1000 pixels in Photoshop.

By the way, this is only a small symptom of the macro fetish I alluded to in my post on multiple monitors, 10 Million Pixels and Counting.

Ron Hall
Busy Noggin, Inc.


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