The last time I posted, forge was only being used by the FLOW3 team, so that was about ten to twenty people actively using it.
The last developer days were finally the time when forge went really productive - we enabled the "register extension" feature, so everybody was able to get his own SVN in a matter of minutes and start collaborative work.
During the first two days, over 20 extensions were registered and I only got positive feedback - it was (and still is) really inspiring to see so many people using forge so actively.
To introduce forge more easily, we have produced a podcast on the T3DD showing you some of the website features.
The next big step was the migration of the TYPO3 core SVN - almost 4000 revisions to import! Andreas Wolf wrote some SED magic scripts which changed the directory structure as well and changed the user names. Due to his great preparation, the SVN migration worked within only two hours, and after 24 hours, the core developers were able to commit again.
Currently, we are planning the TYPO3Xdev SVN migration on July 28 - and if all goes well there, we only have one big development platform left! I think that is an amazing step for the whole community which lowers the barrier for involvement even more.
I am really happy to announce that I do not have anything planned in August, so I will be working eight hours a week for four weeks in a row on forge!
The continuous integration features for FLOW3 will be integrated into Forge at this time, and let's see what I can get done during this time besides that.
So, if you have any things wishes, please let me know and create a ticket with your imprevement wish.
Remember - forge is for you, so go ahead, use it, and give us some feedback!
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