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February 11, 2007

Linking to bugs from the wiki

By: sebastian

I wrote my last exam for this semester on Friday and now I am slowly getting into one of my favorite hobbies again!

While checking bugs, I stumbled over , the TYPO3 4.1 development page with open bugs. The wiki markup for an open bug looked like {{Bug2|1299|short description in extension-name}}. This is a nice template made by Daniel Buessler, our wiki admin who spends a lot of time in improving the wiki! He does a great job!

I had another idea to just enter the bug ID, so I thought about how difficult it was to link to a bug just by specifying its ID, and it was really easy to extend mediaWiki by custom tags. That's why we now have the <bug> tag.

It works as follows: <bug>1299</bug> to link to bug 1299. Really easy, isn't it? The mediaWiki extension then automatically fetches the data from the bugtracker and displays it in a nice way.

See the feature for yourself at !

If you have other ideas how to improve productivity, let me know!
Greets, Sebastian


comment #1
Gravatar: Michael Stucki Michael Stucki February 11, 2007 14:47
Oh yeah, that's really a great improvement!
I just tried it, changed a bug on, and the description was automatically changed. Perfect!

Many thanks Daniel & Sebastian.

- michael

comment #2
Gravatar: Daniel Brüßler Daniel Brüßler February 24, 2007 13:20
Also from me: Really nice feature!

And now we have two new tags - But that's worth a new buzz-entry by Dave or you :-)

kind regards
Daniel Brüßler

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