As i didn't found any tutorial for this purpose i want to show you how to create own Content Elements with own rendering, which are integrated in TYPO3 as the others like text, images, form etc.
So lets start: create your base extension (i call it "myownce" in this tutorial) with kickstarter just as an empty skeleton.
manually add these files if not present:
Now let's start
Step1 (setup.txt):
define tt_content.myownce:
tt_content.myownce= COA
tt_content.myownce {
10 = < lib.stdheader
20 { ... }
Step 2 (ext_tables.php) :
define TCA CType (the content type, in our case "myownce" )
$TCA['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['myownce'] = array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:....',
'config' => array(...)
Step 3 (ext_tables.php):
Do you need a flexform for the configuration? Than add the following:
$TCA['tt_content']['columns']['pi_flexform']['config']['ds'][',myownce'] = t3lib_div::getURL(t3lib_extMgm::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'flexform.xml');
Step 4 (ext_tables.php):
add it to CTypes:
$TCA['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items'][] = array('LLL:EXT:myownce/locallang.xml:tt_content.CType_myownce', 'myownce', 'EXT:myownce/ext_icon.gif');
define showitem (in this case with flexform)
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['myownce'] = array(
'showitem' => 'CType;;4;;1-1-1, hidden, header;;3;;2-2-2, linkToTop;;;;3-3-3,
--div--;LLL:EXT:myownce/locallang.xml:CType.myownce, pi_flexform;;;;3-3-3,
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:pages.tabs.access, starttime, endtime'
Step 5 (ext_localconf.php)
Define the CE for NewContentElementWizard
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems {
myownce {
icon = ...
} := addToList(myownce)
Have a look to typo3/sysext/cms/ext_localconf.php how it's done.
Step 6 (ext_localconf.php)
register the Hook
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_content.php']['cObjTypeAndClassDefault']['media'] = 'EXT:myownce/class.tx_cobj_myownce.php:tx_cObj_myOwnCE';
Step 7 (class.tx_cobj_myownce.php):
Now write your class with own rendering
require_once(PATH_tslib . 'interfaces/interface.tslib_content_cobjgetsinglehook.php');
class tx_cObj_myOwnCE implements tslib_content_cObjGetSingleHook {
protected $cObj;
public function getSingleContentObject($contentObjectName, array $configuration, $TypoScriptKey, tslib_cObj &$parentObject) {
$this->cObj =& $parentObject;
switch($contentObjectName) {
case 'MYOWNCE':
return $this->MYOWNCE($configuration);
* Rendering the cObject, MYOWNCE
* @param array Array of TypoScript properties
* @return string Output
function MYOWNCE($conf) {
$content = '';
// it is a TS object
$str = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['str'], $conf['str.']);
if ($conf['thisIsAnyVariable']) {
$content = $str;
return $content;
you can write in Typoscript whatever you want, you'll find it in the conf array. This is just a dummy example also to show how to use stdWrap.
The NewContentElementWizard is new since version 4.3, so this method will only work from version 4.3+
Have fun, i expect to see some new Content Elements in future :)
If you get any problems, i uploaded a demo extension here.