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September 22, 2007

How to use different PHP versions on one server

Category: Michael Stucki, Technology, Core

By: Michael Stucki

The upcoming version of TYPO3 is going to require at least PHP 5.2. Here is a complete guide about using a technology that offers you to use different PHP versions on the same webserver, giving you a lot of flexibility and making it easy to migrate webservers in small steps.

Comments welcome.

- michael


comment #1
Gravatar: Andreas Wolf Andreas Wolf September 24, 2007 09:07
As I said at the Conference, great tutorial, almost ran flawless for me. I could even manage to get PHP 6 running in a subdirectory of a vHost and on the rest of the vHost, I use PHP 5.2. But I think I will change it to have a separate vHost "gimmefive" as Robert has - it's just cooler ;)

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