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July 15, 2009

Using the Install Tool in latest TYPO3 versions

Category: Michael Stucki, TYPO3, Core

By: Michael Stucki

The Install Tool of TYPO3 is the place where every system needs to be configured during the setup. System administrators may know it very well, so here is a hint for the admins among you.

Since TYPO3 4.1, the Install Tool requires an empty file at typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in order to run. If the file is missing, you'll get a nice error message like here for example.

With the latest TYPO3 versions (4.1.12 and 4.2.8), this behaviour has changed slightly. If the file exists but is older than 1 hour, it will be removed anyway, even if it was there before.

The reason for this change was that we did notice that many sites had the file in place although the Install Tool was not used any more. (Usually, it is only needed during the initial setup and during version upgrades.) So we decided to remove it automatically in regards to sometimes - unfortunately - very weak Install Tool passwords.

Now, if you're an admin and want to use the Install Tool, but it has been disabled by TYPO3, there is a new feature in the same versions which allows you to recreate the neccessary file easily and start doing your work:
Just go to the "User settings" module and find a new button "Create the Install Tool Enable file" that does exactly this. By clicking it, you can use the Install Tool again IF you have the right password for it (of course!).
One hour after the last click in the Install Tool, the file is scheduled for removal again.

One more note: In case you want to prevent this new feature, you can do so by writing "KEEP_FILE" into the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file. However, it should be self-explanatory that we won't recommend this.


comment #1
Gravatar: Daniel Doesburg Daniel Doesburg July 15, 2009 23:30
TYPO3 becomes with every relase better and more and more save. Thanks boys and girls.
Change request: Time is a parameter with a default of 1 hour.


Daniel Doesburg

comment #2
Gravatar: Jan-Hendrik Jan-Hendrik July 16, 2009 00:16
Good decision, well done.

comment #3
Gravatar: Michael Stucki Michael Stucki July 16, 2009 09:02
@Daniel: We thought about making it configurable but concluded that actually nobody will really need this. Either you want to have it removed soon (1h) or never (KEEP_FILE). Everything else will just blow up the config setting list.

- michael

comment #4
Gravatar: Björn Jacob Björn Jacob July 16, 2009 10:22
Removing the file automatically is a great feature! But I also had some problems with it. A couple of days ago I had no backend access and I had to upload the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file via FTP. I tried to access the install tool but the file was removed every time. Then I've discovered that WinSCP wasn't configured in the right way. I've changed the time settings regarding the handling of summer time (on Win) Now it's working ;)

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