During the T3DD06, Peter Niederlag promoted the book "TYPO3 Kochbuch" (of which he is a co-author) by leaving a specimen at the reception desk. I didn't find much time to read in the book (You know the huge amount of work we had...), but I liked what I saw.
So I placed that book on my amazon wishlist. But no one bought it. Ok, it was on the list for just some days :-) I just couldn't wait - and finally bought the book in one of the biggest book stores in Zürich.
I like to give you a short review about the book. May be some of the readers here aren't sure whether to buy the book.
First of all, some technical specifications:
The book targets on persons with some expierience with TYPO3. Of course things are explained within the book. But without some base-knowledge, it will be harder to understand. For me it was a great source of information to supplement my knowledge with some details.
It took me some days to read the book. I got inspired and found many new ideas on how to solve things, to improve existing TYPO3 sites or to improve own extensions.
As you can see on the second image: I putted in many yellow notepads. That's a clear proof on how many information is included in the book - and how much of that was interresting for me.
The only point to improve: some more screenshots. Some recipes would be much easier to understand or to follow (without testing it 1:1 on the computer), if there would be some screenshots showing the steps taken in the recipe.
To sum up: I liked to read the book!
I can just recommend that book to anyone that as some expierience with TYPO3 and wants to dive deeper into TYPO3.
I totally agree with you. This book is a great source for everyone who has to create sites with TYPO3 and who writes extensions. But some more screenshots would be nice. :-)