I can't speak for a whole continent but let me tell you that from my "local" point of view, things look really good!
We're still not in Germany but since 2003 the number of sites just explodes and what is of particular interest is that most of the sites are big ones, not John Doe' Site with 5 pages.
I setup a page with my discoveries last autumn and invite people from my province to add those I didnt find.
Ive set 3 categories up to now: General, Government, Université Laval.
If the general category becomes over crowded I will split it in smaller chunk in the future.Heres the list so far:
* www.boutiqueendurance.ca
* www.bridges-hr.com
* www.ccisj.qc.ca
* www.cecpa.qc.ca
* www.cegep-ste-foy.qc.ca
* www.civexport.net
* www.clap.qc.ca
* www.cmm.qc.ca
* www.conferencedemontreal.com
* www.consulti.com
* www.eburneangold.com
* www.francoischarron.com
* www.fructifor.ca
* www.fxboulord.com
* www.gennesseaux.com
* www.gpbl.ca
* www.iitelecom.com
* www.infoglobe.ca
* isak.gplindustries.com
* www.iscream.net
* www.lamaisonjaune.com
* www.magazineforces.com
* www.modulis.ca
* www.officemp.com
* www.oberon-inf.com
* www.odysseeminganie.ca
* www.oeaq.qc.ca
* www.orange-kiwi.com
* www.ostenil.ca
* www.penced.com
* www.planifierunereunion.com
* portail.colval.qc.ca
* www.savoirfairelinux.com
* site.profweb.qc.ca
* site.reptic.qc.ca
* www.sie.iepf.org
* www.specque.qc.ca
* www.sportetudiant.qc.ca
* www.sallealbertrousseau.com
* www.tc2l.ca
* www.rythmefm.com
* www.ville.neuville.qc.ca
Gouvernement du Québec
* www.bonjourquebec.com (Tourisme Québec)
* www.cptaq.gouv.qc.ca (Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec)
* www.fadq.qc.ca
* www.logiciel-libre.gouv.qc.ca
* www.mcc.gouv.qc.ca (Ministère de la Culture et des Communications)
* www.opq.gouv.qc.ca (Office des Professions du Québec)
* Intranet of MSG (Ministère des services gouvernementaux )
* Intranet of CSPQ (Centre de services partagés Québec)
* Intranet of MSSS x2 directions. (Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)
* Intranet of CSLF (Conseil supérieur de la langue française)
* Intranet of CPTAQ (Commission de Protection du Territoire Agricole Québec)
Université Laval
* chantiers.ulaval.ca
* libert.fsg.ulaval.ca
* loli.fsa.ulaval.ca
* semaine.fsg.ulaval.ca
* tactic.fsg.ulaval.ca
* ww2.sbf.ulaval.ca
* www.24heures.ulaval.ca
* www.act.ulaval.ca
* www.archives.ulaval.ca
* www.baa.ulaval.ca
* www.bcm.ulaval.ca
* www.boosterclub.ca
* www.dap.ulaval.ca
* www.fete.ulaval.ca
* www.ffg.ulaval.ca
* www.forac.ulaval.ca
* www.fsaa.ulaval.ca
* www.fsg.ulaval.ca
* www.futursetudiants.ulaval.ca
* www.gaspesie-les-iles.chaire.ulaval.ca
* www.gci.ulaval.ca
* www.ggr.ulaval.ca
* www.gmn.ulaval.ca
* www.mat.ulaval.ca
* www.patrimoine.chaire.ulaval.ca
* www.peps.ulaval.ca
* www.rougeetor.ulaval.ca
* www.vvap.ulaval.ca
Be aware that many Faculties have TYPO3 courses websites with hundreds of courses. I'm aware of such installatiolns at FSG, FSAA and Médecine.
Greets to Québec,