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June 30, 2009 FLOW3, Fluid and Extbase - a perfect match

The last weeks, a lot has happened to FLOW3, Extbase and Fluid. I want to highlight some nice things which have been on my radar.

April 1, 2009 Fluid: We need your help!

There is still some work to do before Fluid can be shipped with TYPO3 4.3. Please help us to get it done!

March 30, 2009 TYPO3 4.3 will rock!

TYPO3 4.3 will bring lots of shiny new features, amongst them an MVC extension framework and a new templating engine for extension developers.

December 21, 2008 MVC, Fluid and Live Webcasts

My musings about interesting parts of TYPO3 development - MVC in 4.3, Fluid, Team Spirit and live webcasts.

October 29, 2008 The Zen of Templating

Musings about the new templating engine, explanations why we need it, the syntax in a nutshell, and best of all: autocompletion. Discover the Zen Way Of Templating!

October 26, 2008 TYPO3 Transition Days and the community

One week has passed since the end of the TYPO3 Transition Days - and exciting things are happening!

August 11, 2008 Forge: Continuous Integration and Usability Improvements

An update on what was happening on Forge during the last week: Continuous Integration, usability improvements and more!

Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 39