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February 5, 2008 Making a model

In a previous post of 2006, I wrote about the need to make the client understand the logic of what the information system you are building is about. This time I give some suggestions on how it's done.

Category: Daniel Hinderink Daniel Hinderink
By:Daniel Hinderink

February 5, 2008 Support your local developer!

One of the strengths of TYPO3 is its extension framework and we all have our favorite extensions. But have you thought about voting for their developers?

Category: François Suter

January 28, 2008 See you in (AJAX) Amsterdam on the 7th of march 2008 for TYPO3 GA

Daniel Hinderink has invited all TYPO3 association Members (active and non-active) to the 2008 general assembly in Amsterdam. I hope not to breach any intellectual rights or trademarks by posting parts of the invitation here....

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Planet TYPO3, TYPO3
By:Olivier Dobberkau

January 22, 2008 Exceptional usefulness

Probably many of you know that feeling: You're working with a product like TYPO3 and you've got a great idea for a new feature. A very small one, would probably easy to implement and is that sort of would-be-cool-if-we-had-that...

Category: Robert Lemke, TYPO3

January 22, 2008 UNKNOWN3

This year started really powerful - currently more people than ever are working in the TYPO3 5.0 team and we've got our hands full with exciting tasks. Sounds revolutionary? Well, there's something in the air at least, as some...

Category: Robert Lemke, 5.0 Development Team, TYPO3

January 21, 2008 TYPO3 and Amazon S3

Having played with the Amazon S3 Service I wonder how we could use this in TYPO3. I see the following szenarios: S3 as a CDN (Content Distribution Network) in Conjuntion with TYPO3S3 as the Filerepository for TYPO3 either DAM...

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Technology
By:Olivier Dobberkau

January 18, 2008 TypoScript: beauty or beast?

At first sight TypoScript often appears as an indomitable beast. At second sight this feeling tends to persists and it takes some more efforts to feel at ease with it. But isn't it a beauty after all?

Category: François Suter

Displaying results 155 to 161 out of 306