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Olivier Dobberkau

46 Years old. CEO of dkd Internet Service GmbH, Frankfurt.

Using TYPO3 for more than 400 Projects in 14 years.

In my freetime I try to improve my Golf Handicap (30). I like to go out with friends and see movies. I root for my local soccer team Eintracht Frankfurt.

France and Italy are my favorites countries, followed by Spain and Austria. I would like to go to Japan or Asia sometime. Canada and the UAE are ony favorites list too!

I like to meet new people. If it happens that you are around Frankfurt send me an e-Mail.

Since 01.02.2014 I am the President of the TYPO3 Association. Feel free to contact me on any question regarding it.

More on the T3A can be found here:

September 5, 2007 A castle without doors and bells

What a night mare.

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Personal

September 5, 2007 DirectMail 2.51 released

One year has passed since TYPO3 conference 2006 where I spoke about the status of DirectMail. Last Friday we finally uploaded the current Version to TER.

May 21, 2007 Reverend Neverend

Kasper has published today a very strange Podcast. It's about the TYPO3 Developer Days. A guy nicknamed "Reverend Neverend" seeks desperately answers to his questions about a thing called AJAX Hamster DAM. Find out what the...

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Humour

April 19, 2007 Developer Days Countdown

Just booked the Hotels for the Team.

March 18, 2007 Travel broadens the Mind

I have been travelling a little bit in the last weeks. I have been to the TYPO3 General Assembly, where I met a lot of people. We met after the official part at a smal restaurant and had some "stinky water" whilst interchanging...

March 6, 2007 T3ONE - Socialnetwork for TYPO3

With some guys we had the Idea that TYPO3 needed a socialnetwork. tries to communicate offerings and needs around TYPO3 projects and topics. Currently it is beta and running on some virtualserver. We hope to merge...

Category: TYPO3, Technology, Olivier Dobberkau

February 28, 2007 Earthquakes and Macs

I just stumbled upon a real nice Mac Application today: Seismac: This App registers and display the sudden motion sensors of your mac. At the Office the house besides us is being...

Category: Olivier Dobberkau, Humour, Technology

Displaying results 29 to 35 out of 40

Contact me here:

E-Mail: olivier.dobberkau(at)

Company Website: