The style guide has been done for quite a while. Too bad it's just no where to be found on. Only about 15% of it has been published now.The design team simply just needs some additional hands. After a lot of intense work leading...
The TYPO3 is a microcosm. In the centre, there is the product itself. And around that, there are different kinds of groups arranged:There are the more "professionals", working with TYPO3 for an agency or as a freelancer...
Had a big laugh when I saw the DVD from T3CON06. "Why the h. is everyone wearing the t-shirts frontside-back?!" - was my initial thought. They just got printed wrong - but no one seemed to notice so I guess they worked out anyway...
Now one year after the new logo's completion and introduction feedback is diminishing. I'd still like to hear what you think, though. Has its image settled? Does the colors work for you? We're still working on the pages on...
I finally managed to record a screencast of DynaFlex to show what is possible with it.
this weekend I finally managed to finish all the authoring stuff for the T3CON06 DVD-box-set. ;-)
Hi, what a great news last weekend when our swiss friends where here in Hamburg. Stucki invited me to the core team to be an official developer of TYPO3. :-D I'm really proud to be part of the team and I'm very curious about my...